Welcome, We are here to serve!
Bible Text of the Day

Proverbs 31:26 NIV

9 "Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

(Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers out there.)

Program Outline

Sabbath School

9:45 a.m.

THEME: Eternal Holiness

Lesson Study: The Two Witnesses

Superintendent: Genifer Husbands

  1. Welcome ----------------------------------- Sister Genifer Husbands
  2. Opening Prayer -------------------------------- Brother Victor Allen
  3. Opening Song ---------------- # 522 ------------- My Hope is Built
  4. Opening Remarks ----------------------- Sister Genifer Husbands
  5. Scripture Reading --------------------------------------- John 14:1-4
  6. Lesson Review ---------------------------- Sister Vernessa Dobson
  7. Closing Remarks ------------------------- Sister Genifer Husbands
  8. Closing Song ---------- # 518 -------- Standing on the Promises
  9. Closing Prayer ---------------------------------- Brother Victor Allen

Divine Service

11:00 a.m.

(Live YouTube Link)


  1. Welcome & Prayer --------------------------- Elder Danny Graham
  2. Praise & Worship ------------------------- Brother Robbert Koffler
  3. Pastoral Corner & Announcements --------- Elder Errol Dennis
  4. Opening Hymn ---------- # ---------
  5. Call To Prayer -------- # 671 ------- Now, Dear Lord, As We Pray
  6. Intercessory Prayer -------------------------- Elder Danny Graham
  7. Prayer Response --------- # 684 ------- Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
  8. Children’s Corner -------------------------------------------------Video
  9. Offering --- "Disaster & Famine Relief" --- Sister Marva Dennis
  10. Scripture Reading ---------------------- Brother Giovanni Bunyan
  11. Song of Meditation ---------------------------------------------- Video
  12. Sermon --------------------------------------------- Elder Errol Dennis
  13. Closing Hymn ----- # ----
  14. Benediction --------------------------------------- Elder Errol Dennis
  15. Postlude --------------------------------- Let the Church Say Amen